Tuesday, September 1, 2009

A Rainy Day Surprise

We woke today to drizzles of off and on rain.  Sounds like a good day to just stay put.  So, I stayed curled up on the sofa with my computer while Mark stayed in the recliner with his computer.

Before we knew it, it was almost lunch time and Jim and Ellie came to say they were going into town to drop off their bedspread at the cleaners and to have lunch.  Thanks, but I think I just want to stay in today.  Back to the computer while the rain continued to come and go.

We decided that for lunch we would just finish off the left over soup that was made from the leftovers. LOL

It wasn’t long before Jim and Ellie returned from their trip into town and they came bearing a rainy day surprise.  Tomorrow is our anniversary and they brought flowers, wine, smoked salmon, barbeque sauce, and homemade salsa.  Thanks for remembering us.

We visited for a little while, made another RV Park reservation for down the road, and discussed tomorrow’s plan.

This afternoon I made an apple/cherry crisp with the apples Mark picked from the tree at Rod’s mom’s house.  The rain pretty much moved out by early evening and we decided to drive into Port Townsend to get Pizza.  Afterwards we took a short drive back through Port Hadlock before heading back to the RV Park.

What a pretty ending

A Rainy Day 028

to a rainy day.


  1. Hey there, We all need a rainy rest day now & then. But tell me what you think about the rain in Seattle? All the times I visited I didn't think it rained as much as I had been told or heard it did. Have Fun!

    Travel Safe

  2. I like days where I can set and play on the computer. Glad to see that you are doing OK. A rest is always good for the spirit.

  3. Happy Anniversary! Sure hope you are enjoying your day in Victoria..
