Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Waiting On Paint

Yesterday we were up and getting ready to head out to our assigned service bay, but...the man that was parked in front of us was a little more anxious. He left

without unhooking his water or or electric. Along with a few sparks, he left this puddle of water! Oh, No!

Okay, with that excitement over with, Mark pulled out to make his way over to

bay #5 where the service techs starting working on

crossing these items off the list. When they were finished with all they could do, we then made our way to bay #27 where the cabinet shop added

this nice little "stop" to the end of the counter top. Now, I don't have to worry about knocking something off and it falling down into the slide mechanism. While the glue was drying, the techs changed a couple of clips on the closet door that were bent and

worked on leveling our table. After these things finished, we were finished for the day so they sent us on our way back to the camp ground. Now, we are just waiting on someone to bring back our window shade and waiting for our number to come up for the paint bay. Yes, we are almost finished with that list.
we went to Custom RV to have some extra's "by choice" items installed. Mark wanted some seelevel gages to replace the ones that had been installed at the factory. They are suppose to be very accurate in reading the levels in the gray, black, and fresh water holding tanks. I quickly agreed...now, no more complaints from the person that dumps the holding tanks. LOL

In addition, I too had ask for a couple of items...

Chris added this plug beside the driver's seat so I can plug in my table lamp

and he installed this under the counter light over the work station side of the stove.

By the time he finished it was well after lunch and we headed back to Red Bay. Mark stopped to fill up with propane so he could calibrate the LP gage on the new set of gages and I stopped in at Subway to pick up sandwiches. Once we were back at the campground, we had to check in with our service techs to find out that it would probably be tomorrow before someone came to reinstall the blind they are replacing. And, it looks as if they may call us tomorrow to come to the paint bay. If not tomorrow, then Thursday, and bar any other problems, we should be ready to head out of here on Friday. At which time, we have made plans to meet up with Jim and Ellie in Tunica, Mississippi for the weekend before we head to Texas and they head to Colorado.

The rest of the evening we spent just sitting outside enjoying the beautiful evening and being entertained by...

this guy that kept flying over the campground. What a great time he was having!


  1. My gosh!! That reminded me when I pulled that electric cord to town.

  2. Joe's comment reminded me how hard I laughed when I heard the story about him pulling his cord along the highway and the chagrin the folks working along the highway were showing. I have always thought that you should leave a campground either early, before anyone else is up or late after they have all left. Campgrounds and boat anchorages supply some of the best entertainment for watching folks do funny (dumb) things.

  3. I'll bet the guy that jerked his water & electric loose sure thought that people were friendly with all the waving and yelling at him :)...see you this weekend hugs...Jim & Ellie
