Friday, September 18, 2009

Friday…Full of Falls, Fish, and Food

Rod wanted to stay home today and take of some blue jobs, namely washing the trailer.  So, with Deb, Jim, and Ellie, the five of us started out to locate some of the waterfalls that line the Historic Columbia River Road. Here is what we found…

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Oregon Water Falls 019

Oregon Water Falls 016

Oregon Water Falls 038

Oregon Water Falls 055

Oregon Water Falls 079

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After looking at all those falls which included walking trails, going up and down hills and steps,  and crossing bridges, we decided it was time for lunch.  We ventured across the river into

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Stevenson, Washington looking for a Mexican Food Restaurant, but when we found it…it was closed.  So, we found

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the local Subway.  It was good as always.  Then, it was off to

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the ice cream shop.  Besides ice cream they sold these

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tasty little donuts.  These could be dangerous.

Time to get back on the road…the next stop was the

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Bonneville Dam.  We started our tour at the

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visitor center.  We saw where the salmon make it up

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up the ladder and are routed through

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a tunnel where they are

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counted.  Afterwards they make their way back out into the river where they would travel over to the

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This is the

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spot where they started some 2 to 4 years ago.  They have returned for spawning.

Watching the salmon was fun…but to fully understand their life cycle is pretty amazing.

While we were at the

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hatchery, we also saw

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Herman, the White Sturgeon.  His is over 10 feet long and weighs over 450 lbs.  He is 70 years old.

We also saw

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ponds of Rainbow Trout and a few

Oregon Water Falls 244resident ducks.

There were lots of

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beautiful flowers throughout the park area.

After a stop in the local

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gift shop, it was time to head back to Troutdale.  We made our way back in time to pick up Rod and go into town for dinner.  We finally found that Mexican Food we wanted at lunch today.

We can truly say…we have had a full day of falls, fish, and food.

See you after our next full-filled adventure.


  1. Great job on the blog. Always enjoy 'catching up' with you guys. We are currently at a COE campground between Albuquerque and Santa Fe.

    Randy and Pam

  2. Such a nice trip you are on. I have a question. How and where do you find where to do the sightseeing? Do you do it all online or talk to them at the campground??
    We set sail on our fulltime life on Tuesday. Hope we can meet up.

  3. Lovely pictures and descriptions, as usual. You are all so good at finding interesting places.
    Thanks. Penny, TX
